Developing new strategies in the fields of healthcare materials and tissue engineering to address some clinical issues.
Biomaterials & Bioengineering is the joint research unit UMR_S 1121/EMR 7003
of Inserm, of CNRS and the University of Strasbourg

Our expertise is based on the design of new materials/coatings based on biological components, using approaches derived from chemistry, physical chemistry, biology and in vivo experimentations.
Our 4 main clinical challenges in the field of biomaterials are :
- the prevention of infections due to medical devices (implants, catheters, dressings, etc.) and the care of infected wounds (diabetic ulcers, etc.)
- dental tissue engineering
- development of larynx and tracheal prostheses
- the design of implants to resolve diaphragmatic hernias, particularly in children.
To achieve this, we are building on 2 technological pillars :
- biomimetic and natural materials
- bioprinting for 3D manufacturing.
OUR PRODUCTION (2016-2023)

The Biomaterials & Bioengineering laboratory was set up in Strasbourg in 1995, name « Biomaterials ». Currently, the labo is under the joint supervision of Inserm, of CNRS and the University of Strasbourg.
Today, we are based at 3 sites in Strasbourg : the Strasbourg Biomedicine Research Center (CRBS), the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Dental Surgery.
The Unit has a total staff of between 60 and 70, including 23 researchers and teacher-researchers, 5 engineers and 5 technicians, all Inserm, CNRS or Unistra personnel.
In addition, there are post-docs, PhD students, contract engineers and technicians, and numerous trainees.